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Exciting Update: "Then This Happened..." Year 6 Ebook Collection Coming Soon!

Arranging the webcomic book in Google docs I've been working on a new collected ebook for my Then This Happened... Webcomic diary series on Amazon .

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Tuning the canvas - Live Streaming My Comic Drawing Process

Hey everyone! I've been working on my livestream setup for drawing my comics. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, and I'm finally getting around to it. I'm hoping to start streaming weekly, or maybe even more than that eventually. I'm still kind of getting used to the podium setup I have, but I'm really excited to start talking and drawing on these live videos. I think it will be a great way to share how I create my comics. In the video below, you can see me testing out the podium setup and drawing some of my characters. I'm still working on getting everything dialed in, but I'm happy with how it's coming along. I'm really looking forward to starting this new webcomic series and sharing it with you all. I hope you'll join me on my livestreams and follow along as I create my comics. Thanks for reading! Video clip: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here !

New song! Variation witch

Keeping up with my plan to release new music every month.  This time around I venture into the punk blues realm. Sort of a mixture of The Black Keys and The Eels . This is a song called "Variation witch" by my band Lorenzo's Music .  The cover art is actually an antique top that I have in my collection. What I liked about it was the striped disc kind of like something in a Tim Burton film.

A quick peek behind-the-scenes of a new webcomic series. Coming soon!

I've recently paused my usual diary comic to dedicate my attention to an exciting new project—a fiction webcomic series featuring two characters that may be familiar to my long-time followers.  These characters, Bobert and the Monster have made appearances on my website before , and now they're taking center stage.  I'm working diligently with the hope of launching the series shortly.  In the meantime, I'd like to share this behind-the-scenes video of the drawing process for one of the upcoming pages.  Stay tuned for more updates as I bring this creative vision to life.

Sophie Parr: Drawing Paths from Cartography to Viral Artistry - Tom Ray's Art Podcast

Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts | YouTube Podcasts | Spotify | RSS On this episode of the art podcast, I meet Sophie Parr, an artist with a unique talent for creating pen and ink maps. Sophie's journey into the world of map illustration began unexpectedly. With a background in urban planning and a stint as a transit planner, Sophie found herself craving a creative outlet. It was during a family vacation that Sophie sketched their first map, and what started as a casual hobby quickly grew into a full-fledged business fueled by passion and public interest. In this episode, Sophie shares the twists and turns of the path from urban planning to freelancing in graphic design and finally to a niche in map-making. Sophie reveals how their love for maps and skills in drawing buildings and details led to the development of a unique style. Sophie also delves into the focus on Instagram reels as a way to engage an audience and showcase their work. With some videos reaching viral st

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